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Klimatizace (2161079)
Departments:ústav techniky prostředí (12116)
Valid until: ??Range:2P+1C
Extend knowledge for design, control and evaluation of single-zone and multi-zone air conditioning systems.
doc. Ing. Vladimír Zmrhal Ph.D.
Letní 2023/2024
doc. Ing. Vladimír Zmrhal Ph.D.
Zimní 2023/2024
Ing. Miloš Lain Ph.D.
Zimní 2022/2023
doc. Ing. Vladimír Zmrhal Ph.D.
Zimní 2022/2023
Ing. Miloš Lain Ph.D.
Zimní 2021/2022
doc. Ing. Vladimír Zmrhal Ph.D.
Zimní 2021/2022
Basic characteristics of all-air, all-water, all-refrigerant air conditioning systems.Typical sigle-zone and multi-zone systems. Design and calculation of air conditioning systems (all-water (fan-coil)systems; all-refrigerant systems; all-air single-duct and dual-duct systems; combined air-water induction systems; cooling ceilings). Cooling for air conditioning. Natural ventilation of building. Quality and efficiency of ventilation, age of air. Energy balance simulation. Energy consumption of air conditioning systems.

Structure of tutorial
Practice: Heat and humidity transfer, represent processes graphically in psychromeric chart, calculation of capacity parameters single-zone and multi-zone air conditioning systems.Energy consumption.
- DRKAL,F.;LAIN,M.;SCHWARZER,J.;ZMRHAL,V: Klimatizace a průmyslová vzduchotechnika.Praha: Evropský sociální fond, 2009.
- CHYSKÝ,J;HEMZAL,K. a kol.: Větrání a klimatizace.Technický průvodce.Brno: BOLIT-B press, 1993. ISBN 80-901574-0-8.
- SZÉKYOVÁ,M.;FERSTL,K.;NOVÝ,R.: Větrání a klimatizace.Bratislava:JAGA GROUP, s.r.o.,2006.ISBN 80-8076-037-3.
- ASHRAE HANDBOOK: HVAC Systems and Equipment. Atlanta:ASHRAE,Inc., 2004.ISBN 1-931862-48-6.
Following requirements are demanded: Basic characteristics of all-air, all-water, all-refrigerant air conditioning systems.Typical sigle-zone and multi-zone systems. Design and calculation of air conditioning systems (all-water (fan-coil)systems; all-refrigerant systems; all-air single-duct and dual-duct systems; combined air-water induction systems; cooling ceilings). Cooling for air conditioning. Natural ventilation of buildings. Quality and efficiency of ventilation, age of air. Energy balance simulation. Energy consumption of air conditioning systems

Jednozónové klimatizační systémy, vícezónové klimatizační systémy, spotřeba energie, energetické simulace.
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