Project II. (E183026)
Departments:ústav procesní a zpracov. techniky (12118)
Valid until: ??Range:0P+6C
This course is based on individual student‘s work under supervision of a project leader. The student‘s task is considered as a literature review of a given topic, elaboration of a numerical modelling/calculation part, summarization of the outputs and presentation of the results. The work topic can be considered as future diploma work. The student submits the work to the project leader for comments and revisions. Successfull fulfillment of the course is given by approval of the final work by the project leader. The topics follow the expected level of knowledge and skills of the students appropriate to the courses passed before.
The needed lietrature and other sources, recommended by the project leader, is gathered by the students on their own, using the available sources provided by the university (library, electronic resources, etc.).
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