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Autonomous Robot Control (E373025)
Departments:ústav přístrojové a řídící techniky (12110)
Valid until: ??Range:0P+2C+0L
Theoretical and practical introduction into the robot control.
1. Use of the robots.
2. The basic principles of the control of the robots.
3. The basic mechanical principles of robots.
4. Control of robot movement.
5. Robotic perception (sensors).
6. General principles of the control.
7. Advanced principles of the robot control.
8. Robotic communication.
9. Project – team development of robot.
10. Project – team development of robot.
11. Project – team development of robot.
12. Project – team development of robot.
13. Robot competition.
Structure of tutorial
Work in laboratories.
DUDEK, G., & JENKIN, M. (2010). Computational principles of mobile robotics. New York, Cambridge University Press.
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