Process Control (E371147)
Departments:ústav přístrojové a řídící techniky (12110)
Valid until: ??Range:3P+1.5C+0.5L
Automatic controllers are important part of many industrial processes. The goal of this course is to introduce students into basic knowledge of automatic control theory and practice like transfer functions, open versus closed loop control, design of controllers and frequency based analysis of control systems. The course also concentrates on logic control and control via programmable logic controllers.

Some seminaries are arranged in laboratories where practical skills and control engineering methods are trained. Students begin to work with MATLAB software as a common platform of control engineers (MATLAB is used on all including most of the laboratory classes).
doc. Ing. Jaromír Fišer Ph.D.
Letní 2024/2025
doc. Ing. Jaromír Fišer Ph.D.
Letní 2023/2024
doc. Ing. Jaromír Fišer Ph.D.
Letní 2022/2023
1. Essential Principles of Automatic Control, Signals and Systems.
2. Digital Logic Control.
3. Combinatorial Logic Circuits and Controllers.
4. Programmable Logic Controllers, Sequential Logic Circuits.
5. Continuous Linear Systems, Laplace Transform.
6. Transfer Functions, Mathematical Models, Poles and Zeros.
7. Transient and Steady State Response Analysis.
8. Detailed Analysis of Selected Processes.
9. Open Loop and Closed Loop Control.
10. Design of Proportional, Integral and Derivative Controllers (PID).
11. Advanced PID Controllers.
12. Discrete-time based PID Controllers.
13. Frequency-Response Analysis.
14. Modelling Control Systems via MATLAB.
Structure of tutorial
1.Exercise:Control problem decomposition - analysis, control loop model, state feedback design, terminology from the field of logical, analog and computer-aided control
2.Exercise:Combinatorial and sequential logic
3.Exercise:Logic - decomposition - combinatorial, sequential and programmable controller
4.LabTasks on combinatorial and sequential logic, programmable logic controller
5.LabTasks on combinatorial and sequential logic, programmable logic controller
6.Exercise:Continuous-time/analog control (steady-state characteristics in control loop, linear approximation, plant model and controller classes, control closed-loop)
7.Exercise:Frequency characteristics (magnitude/phase - Bode diagram), transfer function, block algebra
8.Exercise:Stability, stability criteria (Hurwitz, Mikhailov Leonhard, Nyquist), controller tuning (Ziegler-Nichols)
9.LabTasks on continuous- and discrete-time control
10.LabTasks on continuous- and discrete-time control
11.LabTasks on continuous- and discrete-time control
12.Exercise:Discrete-time control - continuous-time plant model discretization, sample period, discrete controller PID (PSD), difference equation of discrete control closed-loop
13.Exercise:Discrete-time control - stability and discrete transfer function, final TEST
14.Assessment and consultations
Ogata, K.: Modern Control Engineering (4th Edition), Prentice Hall,
Klan, P., Gorez, R.: Process control. FCC Public, Prague, 2011.
Dunning, G.: Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers (2nd Ed). Delmar Learning, 2001.
Dorf, R.C., Bishop R.H.: Modern Control Systems (8th Edition). Addison-Wesley, 1998.
Laboratory support page:
Virtual laboratory availaible on:
Active work on classes and laboratories, lab. report,knowledges according to lectures
Automatic Control, Linear Dynamic Systems, PID Controllers, PLC systems, Transient and Frequency Analysis, Design of Control Processes.
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