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KOS.FS - fakultní nadstavba
  česky  čs
english  en
Project I. (E153707)
Katedra:ústav energetiky (12115)
Platí do: ??Rozsah:0P+7C
Zakončení:ZJazyk výuky:EN
The course deals with design of selected thermal cycles of power plants, heating plants, decentralized power supply systems, or one selected components from cycles (eg. boilers, heat exchangers, turbines, fuel cell, steam generators, compressors, pumps, etc.).
Osnova cvičení
- research work
- cycles/component design - input data, software options and so on.
- model of cycles/component design
- analysis of model
Klíčová slova
power and heating plant design, technical-economic analysis project
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