Project II. (E332114)
Departments:ústav strojírenské technologie (12133)
Valid until: ??Range:0P+5C
The subject deals with the usage of computer aided techniques in production processes of forming, casting and welding.
Basic characteristics of the software FORGE, PAMSTAMP, QForm, Novacast, ProCAST, MagmaSoft and SYSWELD with demonstration of selected examples.
Utilization of Numerical Simulation Method in Metal Forming, Casting and Welding Processes.
Structure of tutorial
1. Basic data in tooling design for forgings and castings
2. Introduction into CAD in Foundry technology using NovaCAST software
3. Simulation of solidification of a steel casting and ductile iron casting
4. Simulation of mould filling and casting solidification
5. Introduction into closed-die forging simulation
6. Basic features of QForm-2D and FORGE software
7. Proposal of a forging sequence, design of a forging model - simulation
8. Simulation - possible change of process parameters
9. Presentation of Magmasoft utilization in foundry industry
10. Presentation of Procast utilization in foundry industry
11. Presentation of Sysweld possibilities in welding industry
12. Presentation of FORGE/PAMSTAMP possibilities in forming industry
13. Evaluation of simulation results, comparison of different software for numerical simulation
1. Návod k práci se simulačním softwarem NovaFlow&Solid ; Návod k práci se simulačním softwarem FormFEM
2. Herman a kol. Počítačové simulace ve slévárenství, ČVUT, 2001
Finished bachelor graduation from a Technical University.
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