Management and Economics of the Enterprise (E381054)
Katedra:ústav řízení a ekonomiky podniku (12138)
Platí do: ??Rozsah:2P+2C
Zakončení:Z,ZKJazyk výuky:EN
The study subject is intended for a wide range of students from all over the world who have successfully studied it for many previous years. The teaching goal is to acquaint technically educated foreign students with the basic procedures, methodologies and practice of management and economics of a modern, especially engineering company. The teaching concerns both the areas of finance, marketing and operational-production management and economics. The focus is on a prosperous enterprise operating within the framework of Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0. In addition to lectures and exercises, students also learn to be independent in their individual presentations, dedicated to the assigned professional topics of advanced business management.
doc. Ing. Michal Kavan CSc.
Letní 2024/2025
doc. Ing. Michal Kavan CSc.
Letní 2023/2024
doc. Ing. Michal Kavan CSc.
Letní 2022/2023
1. Basics of financial management of the company for managers (the creation of the income statement, balance sheets and cash flow). Analysis of the tipping point, the relationship between business and innovation.
2. How to evaluate the level of business management. Analysis of absolute and ratio indicators from the income statement and balance sheet.
3. Marketing management and demand forecasting.
4. Aggregate and detailed production planning. From MRP to ERP.
5. Supply chain and logistics management, principles of modern production and operation management based on the pull principle.
6. Inventory management, economic model of order quantity (EOQ).
7. Stock management and statistically determined insurance stocks and time of order (ROP).
8. Inventory management according to fixed ordering intervals.
9. Technology development under the influence of Industry 4.0. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), 5G networks, etc.
10. Total Quality Management. Basics of standardization, Kaizen philosophy, ISO standards.
11. Basics of project management, CMP and PERT methods, PMI, IPMA, Prince standards, limits.
12. Strategic management of a modern enterprise and development trends.
13. Sustainable production and the UN: "The 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development".
Osnova cvičení
1. Business economics for managers, studying the growth of productivity and business efficiency, innovation and entrepreneurship.
2. Marketing management and demand forecasting. Including measurement of forecast accuracy.
3. Theory and models of decision-making under uncertainties and risks.
4. Japanese methods of production and operation management, types of equipment layout and workplace creation. Cellular manufacturing, grouping technology.
5. Capacity planning, computer-aided manufacturing. Designing production systems, technological design and standardization.
6. Labor economics, principles of specialization, job rotation, work standardization and motivation.
7. Logistics and inventory management. EOQ, ROP, FOI models.
8. Management of MRP material requirements, master production plan (Master Schedule, Bill of Materials, Inventory records file), production batch size.
9. Aggregate planning, Master Production Schedule (MPS). Just-in-Time Excellence. Kanban System, transition to JiT. Scheduling.
10. Total Quality Management. Quality characteristics, TQM, Kaizen philosophy. ISO.
11. Maintenance management systems, preventive and predictive maintenance.
12. Project management, PERT and CMP, advantages and limitations.
13. Strategic management of a modern enterprise, presentation of case studies throughout the course.
1. Kavan, M.: Management Study Guide, ČVUT, Praha, 2006, ISBN 80-01-03444-5.
2. Davis, M.M., Aquilano, N.J., Chase, R.B.: Fundamentals of Operations Management, McGraw-Hill, 1999, ISBN 0-256-225557-5.
3. Blank, L.T., Tarquin, A.J.: Engineering Economy, McGraw-Hill, 1998, ISBN 0-07-063110-7.
4. Waters D.: Supply Chain Management, Playgrave Macmillan, New York 2009, ISBN: 9780230200524.
5. Valacich J. S.: Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World, Global Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 2022, ISBN 1292438118.
6. Endress Tobias: Digital Project Practice for New Work and Industry 4.0, Taylor&Francis Ltd., 2023, ISBN: 9781032276045.
Požadavky na udělení zápočtu: Docházka, aktivní účast, seminární práce.
Požadavky ke zkoušce: udělení zápočtu při splnění požadavků.
Závěrečná zkouška se skládá ze dvou částí:
a) Písemná část (Test) obsahuje ze 3 jednoduché příklady, probírané ve výuce, nebo které se vyskytují v učebním textu: Kavan Michal: Manažerská studijní příručka, ČVUT, 2006, ISBN 80-01-03444-5.
b) 5 otázek typu: co nejstručněji definuj, charakterizuj, vyjmenuj. Otázky i odpovědi se najdou rovněž ve výše uvedeném učebním textu, nebo poznámkách studentů z výuky.
Odevzdaný testu je bodován:
• Příklady maximálních 5 bodů za správnou odpověď,
• Otázky maximálně 2 body za správnou odpověď.
Minimální počet bodů pro postup k ústní části zkoušky je 15 bodů.
Termíny zkoušek budou vypsány v IT systému školy (KOS ČVUT).
Učebnici lze zakoupit v Dejvicích – v budově nové Národní technické knihovny, kde sídlí knihkupectví ČVUT.
Klíčová slova
Economics for technicians, financial management, marketing management, forecasting, managerial decision making, production and operations management, inventory management, lean six sigma, project management, business.
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