česky  čs
english  en
12101 >
E012037 Computer Graphics , 1P+1C, (anotace)
E011092 Mathematics II. , 4P+4C+0L, (anotace)
E011049 Numerical Mathematics , 2P+2C, (anotace)
12102 >
E021029 Physics II. , 2P+1C+1L, (anotace)
E026003 Physics II. - Seminary , 0P+2C, (anotace)
E023012 Practical Class in Physics II. , 0P+2C+0L, (anotace)
12104 >
2046156 Anglická konverzace - rodilý mluvčí II , 0P+2C, (anotace)
E045026 Czech - Lower Intermediate , 0P+2C, (anotace)
E045020 Czech for Beginners II , 0P+2C, (anotace)
E045019 Czech Language for Beginners I , 0P+2C, (anotace)
12105 >
E111069 Design Against Fatigue , 1P+1C, (anotace)
E311102 Mechanics II. , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E111051 Strength of Materials I. , 3P+3C, (anotace)
E111101 Strength of Materials I. , 3P+2C+1L, (anotace)
E311085 Vehicle Dynamics I. , 2P+1C, (anotace)
E311068 Vibration of Vehicles , 3P+1C, (anotace)
12110 >
E375008 Advanced Automatic Control , 1P+1C, (anotace)
E371014 Algorithms for Engineering Informatics , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E361098 Applied Optics , 3P+0C+1L, (anotace)
E371047 Automatic Control , 3P+1.5C+0.5L, (anotace)
E373025 Autonomous Robot Control , 0P+2C+0L, (anotace)
E372122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L, (anotace)
E371090 Database and Knowledge Systems , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E371079 Database and Knowledge-based Systems , 3P+1C, (anotace)
E371137 Design of Information Systems , 1P+0C+2L, (anotace)
E373990 Diploma thesis , 0P+10C, (anotace)
E141505 Electrical Machines and Drives , 2P+0C+2L, (anotace)
E141506 Electrical Transfer of Signals , 2P+0C+1L, (anotace)
E141005 Embedded Systems , 2P+0C+2L, (anotace)
E372050 Engineering Psychology , 1P+0C+1L, (anotace)
E363022 History of Discovery of the Universe , 1P+1C, (anotace)
E142012 Industrial Communication Systems , 2P+0C+1L, (anotace)
E361005 Instrumental Technology , 2P+0C+2L, (anotace)
E361064 Instrumental Technology , 2P+0C+2L, (anotace)
E375013 Matlab for Simulations , 1P+2C, (anotace)
E362700 Measurement and Experiment , 0P+0C+4L, (anotace)
E362006 Nanotechnology , 2P+0C+1L, (anotace)
E371101 Optimal and predictive control systems , 2P+1.8C+0.2L, (anotace)
E371147 Process Control , 3P+1.5C+0.5L, (anotace)
E371527 Programmable Controller Application , 2P+0C+2L, (anotace)
E371126 Programmable Controller Applications , 2P+0C+2L, (anotace)
E371060 Programmable Controller Applications , 2P+0C+2L, (anotace)
E375002 Programming for Web , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E373131 Project I , 0P+6C+0L, (anotace)
E373133 Project III , 0P+5C, (anotace)
E375004 Python for Scientific Computations and Control , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E143006 Safety Operation with Electronic Devices , 0P+0C+0L, (anotace)
E141030 Sensor Systems , 2P+0C+1L, (anotace)
E145003 Small Robot Design , 0P+0C+2L, (anotace)
E371002 System and Process Control , 3P+1.4C+0.6L, (anotace)
E373992 Thesis , 0P+8C, (anotace)
E373981 Thesis , 0P+6C, (anotace)
E361021 Wave Optics , 2P+0.7C+0.3L, (anotace)
12112 >
E121046 Thermomechanics , 3P+2C, (anotace)
12113 >
E133992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C, (anotace)
E132122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L, (anotace)
E133025 Design , 0P+4C, (anotace)
E131023 Engineering Design II. , 2P+3C, (anotace)
E131002 Engineering Design II. , 2P+3C, (anotace)
E133014 Engineering Design IV. , 0P+2C+0L, (anotace)
E131026 Machine Elements and Mechanisms II. , 3P+0C+0L, (anotace)
12116 >
E161083 Aerodynamics of Ventilation , 2P+1C, (anotace)
E161006 Alternative Energy Sources , 2P+1C, (anotace)
E161087 Automatic Control in Environmental Engineering , 2P+1C, (anotace)
E163981 Bachelor Thesis , 0P+6C, (anotace)
E163992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C, (anotace)
E162122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L, (anotace)
E163045 Building and HVAC Systems Simulation , 1P+2C, (anotace)
E163000 Diploma Project , 0P+10C, (anotace)
E162702 Experimental Methods II. , 1P+4L, (anotace)
E161571 Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control , 3P+1C, (anotace)
E162023 Fundamentals of Alternative Energy Sources , 2P+1C, (anotace)
E161597 Fundamentals of Heating , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E161560 Fundamentals of Sanitary Installations , 2P+3C, (anotace)
E163078 Fundamentals of Simulation Methods , 1P+3C, (anotace)
E161036 Fundamentals of Ventilation , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E163046 Heating Appliances , 1P+1C, (anotace)
E163048 Low-Energy Cooling of Buildings , 1P+1C, (anotace)
E161105 Noise and Vibration Control , 3P+2C, (anotace)
E163015 Project II. , 0P+5C, (anotace)
E161065 Ventilation , 2P+2C, (anotace)
12118 >
E183009 Biofuels and Bioproducts from Wastes , 0P+2C, (anotace)
E181117 Heat Processes and Heat Exchangers , 3P+1.7C+0.3L, (anotace)
E181508 Heat Transfer Equipment , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E181026 Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer , 3P+1C, (anotace)
12120 >
E211106 Design of Tools and Plastic Parts , 2P+1C, (anotace)
E212023 Project and 3D CAD , 0P+3C, (anotace)
E211112 Vehicle Concept, Structure, Aggregates and Safety , 2P+1C, (anotace)
E211113 Vehicle Dynamics II. , 2P+1C, (anotace)
2216031 Základy modelování v prostředí GT-SUITE , 0P+2C, (anotace)
12132 >
E323992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C, (anotace)
E322122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L, (anotace)
E322029 Materials Science I. , 2P+0C+1L, (anotace)
E321072 Metallic Materials , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E321083 Nano and Biomaterials , 2P+2C, (anotace)
12133 >
E331076 Design of Surface Treatment , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E333040 Perspectice Production in Engineering , 0P+2C, (anotace)
E331093 Technology of Casting, Forming and Welding , 3P+1C+1L, (anotace)
12134 >
E343041 Fundamentals of Machining, Metrology and Product Design , 2P+0.5C+0.5L, (anotace)
E341080 Quality , 2P+0C+1L, (anotace)
12135 >
E351712 Modelling and Simulation II. , 2P+2L, (anotace)
12138 >
E381054 Management and Economics of the Enterprise , 2P+2C, (anotace)
E382093 Project Management and Marketing , 2P+2C, (anotace)
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