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Heating (E161085)
Katedra:ústav techniky prostředí (12116)
Platí do: ??Rozsah:2P+1C
Zakončení:Z,ZKJazyk výuky:EN
Knowledge improvement from the field of heating of residential and industrial buildings. Designing of convective and radiant heating systems.
Computation of total building heat-losses by EN, heat and fuel requirement. Designing and computation of parallel and counter flow two-pipe heating systems or single-pipe heating systems. Hydraulics of heating systems with respect to varied regulation of pumps. Small heat sources. Electric heating.
Osnova cvičení
Practise: Computation of total building heat-losses by EN, heat and fuel requirement. Designing and computation parallel and counter flow two-pipe heating systems or single-pipe heating systems. Hydraulics of heating systems with respect to varied regulation of pumps. Small heat sources. Electric heating.
1. Bašta, J., Kabele, K.: Otopné soustavy teplovodní - sešit projektanta. Třetí přepracované vydání. STP 2008, ISBN 978-80-02-02064-6, 96 s.
2. Bašta, J.: Otopné plochy. Praha: Ediční středisko ČVUT, 2001. - 328 s. - ISBN 80-01-02365-6.
3. Bašta, J.: Hydraulika a řízení otopných soustav. Praha: Ediční středisko ČVUT, 2003. - 252 s., 209 obr., ISBN 80-01-02808-9.
4. Bašta, J.: Fundamentals fo heating - selection.
Following requirements are demanded:
Computation of total building heat-losses by EN, heat and fuel requirement. Designing and computation of parallel and counter flow two-pipe heating systems or single-pipe heating systems. Hydraulics of heating systems with respect to varied regulation of pumps. Small heat sources. Chimneys. Electric heating.
Klíčová slova
heating, heating system, heat source, heating surface
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