12000 >
2007273 Acoustics
2007320 Advanced Biochemistry
2007229 Advanced Case - Seminar in Strategy
2007293 Advanced Materials Technology
2007238 Advanced Mechanics
2007355 Advanced Topics in Fluid Systems Engineering
2007259 Advanced Topics In Fluid Systems Engineering
2007261 Advanced Transport Phenomena
2007245 Aerodynamics
2007319 Aerospace Laboratory
2007215 Aircraft Performance 3
2007216 Aircraft Structures and Materials 3
2007207 Análisis de estructuras mecánicas
2007267 Applied Thermodynamics for Engineers
2007262 Applied Thermodynamics in Chemical Technology
2007344 Basic Mechanical Vibrations
2007242 Beginners Course in Swedish
2007189 Bio MEMS
2007194 Bio Microelectromechanical Systems
2007271 Biomass as a Chemical Raw Material
2007201 Biomedical Elektronics
2007202 Biomechanics
2007255 Business Pilot
2007221 CAE with NX4
2007351 Case Studies in Engineering
2007272 Case Studies In Engineering 1
2007196 Combustion
2007349 Computer Aided Engineering Design
2007236 Computer Control of Electromechanical
2007327 Computer Control of Electromechanical Systems
2007246 Computional Fluid Mechanics
2007325 Control and Simulation
2007326 Control Engineering
2007237 Control System Analysis and Design
2007231 Corporate Finance
2007184 Design Analysis
2007226 Developing Global Leadership Talent
2007264 Drying Technology
2007337 Dynamics of Machines II
2007352 Economics of Sin
2007204 Electronics for Internal Combustion Engines
2007354 Energy Systems Modelling
2007281 Engineering Analysis III.
2007275 Engineering Dynamics
2007223 Engineering Economic Analysis
2007257 English for Engineers
2007254 English Language, Advanced
2007253 English Language, Intermediate
2007268 English skills 1
2007269 English skills 2
2007211 Ensayo y Mantenimiento de Máquinas
2007232 Entrepreneurial Finance
2007252 Entrepreneurship
2007190 Environmental Engineering Design
2007213 Espańol para Extranjeros II.
2007209 Estructuras Metálicas y de Hormigón
2007263 Exergy Route to Sustainable Chemical Engineering
2007249 Financial Management
2007318 Finite Element Method
2007328 Flight and Spaceflight
2007197 Gas Dynamics
2007247 Global Macro Economy and the Organisation
2007198 Heat Transfer with Phase Change
2007219 History of Russia
2007270 Hydrogen Technology
2007303 Independent Study
2007195 Individual Project
2007234 Indoor Climate
2007287 Industrial Development of Utility Vehicles
2007208 Instalaciones I.
2007251 Intercultural Communication
2007192 Internal Combustion
2007256 International Business Marketing
2007239 Intro to Psychology
2007276 Machine Dynamics
2007193 Machinery Vibration
2007185 Managing People
2007304 Mandarin
2007250 Market Communication
2007347 Materials Engineering and Design
2007218 Materials for Generation 4 Nuclear Reactors
2007322 Mathematics - Graph Theory
2007321 Mathematics - Inverse Problems
2007348 Measurement, Instrumentation and Control
2007203 Medical Device Technology for Organ Replacement
2007356 Mechanical Engineering Independent Study
2007241 Mechanical Engineering Individual Study
2007200 Mechatronics Advanced Course
2007323 Mechatronics System Design
2007266 Membrane Technology
2007265 Micro Heat Transfer
2007286 Motor Vehicle Laboratory I,II
2007260 Multidisciplinary project sustainable development
2007228 New Venture Development I.
2007244 Nordic Culture
2007205 Practice of Production Engines in Line Production
2007274 Pressurised Systems
2007258 Pressurised Systems
2007227 Principles of International Business
2007224 Principles of Microeconomics
2007225 Principles of Microeconomics
2007210 Programación en Java
2007292 Project B for Exchange Students
2007336 Rail Vehicles III
2007235 Reading Class
2007240 Real and Recorded Time
2007350 Renewable Energy Systems
2007248 Selling and Sales Management
2007199 Signals and Mechanical Systems
2007212 Simulación para el diseńo y operación de sistemas logisticos
2007230 Strategic Management of Technology
2007277 Structural Dynamics
2007346 Structural Mechanics
2007243 Swedish Course Level II.
2007324 System Dynamics and Control Engineering
2007280 Thermodynamic Analysis
2007278 Thermodynamics
2007279 Thermodynamics 2
2007345 Tribology
2007188 Vehicle drive trains
2007233 Ventilation and Climatisation
2007357 Wind Technology
12101 >
E012036 Algorithmization and Programming , 1P+2C+0L
E012035 Algorithmization and Programming , 1P+2C
E013992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E013066 Basics of Stochastic , 0P+2C
E012121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E012122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E013019 Complex functions and integral and discrete transforms , 2P+1C
E012037 Computer Graphics , 1P+1C
E011018 Constructive Geometry , 3P+2C
E011021 Constructive Geometry , 3P+2C
E01A018 Constructive Geometry A , 0P+0C
E01A021 Constructive Geometry A , 3P+2C
E011715 Mathematical Modeling in Technical Applicatiions , 2P+2C
E011087 Mathematical Modeling in Technical Applicatiions , 2P+2C
E011716 Mathematical Modeling in Technical Applications , 2P+2C+0L
E011091 Mathematics I. , 4P+4C+0L
E011067 Mathematics I. , 4P+4C
E011056 Mathematics I. , 4P+4C
E01A067 Mathematics I. A , 0P+0C
E01A056 Mathematics I.A , 0P+0C
E01A091 Mathematics I.A , 0P+0C+0L
E011068 Mathematics II. , 4P+4C
E011092 Mathematics II. , 4P+4C+0L
E011062 Mathematics II. , 4P+4C
E01A068 Mathematics II. A , 0P+0C
E01A092 Mathematics II.A , 0P+0C+0L
E01A062 Mathematics II.A , 0P+0C
E011009 Mathematics III. , 2P+2C
E011093 Mathematics III. , 2P+2C+0L
E01A093 Mathematics III.A , 0P+0C+0L
E01A009 Mathematics III.A , 0P+0C
E011054 Mathematics in Mechanics , 3P+1C
E013044 Mathematics Repetitory , 0P+2C+0L
E011049 Numerical Mathematics , 2P+2C
E01A049 Numerical Mathematics A , 0P+0C
E012091 Project , 0P+2C
E013113 Project III. , 0P+10C
E013991 Thesis , 0P+0C
12102 >
E023992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E023991 Bakalářská práce , 0P+0C
E022121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E022122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E022091 Oborový projekt , 0P+2C
E021014 Physics - Selected Topics , 2P+2C
E021010 Physics - Selected Topics , 2P+2C+0L
E021026 Physics I , 4P+2L
E021041 Physics I. , 4P+1C
E021028 Physics I. , 3P+2C+1L
E026002 Physics I. - Seminary , 0P+2C
E02A026 Physics I.A , 0P+0C
E02A028 Physics I.A , 0P+0C+0L
E02A041 Physics I.A , 0P+0C
E021027 Physics II , 2P+2C
E021029 Physics II. , 2P+1C+1L
E021025 Physics II. , 1P+2C
E026003 Physics II. - Seminary , 0P+2C
E02A029 Physics II. A , 0P+0C+0L
E02A025 Physics II.A , 0P+0C
E02A027 Physics II.A , 0P+0C
E023011 Physics II.-Seminary , 0P+2C
E023013 Practical Class in Physics I , 0P+2C+0L
E023012 Practical Class in Physics II. , 0P+2C+0L
12104 >
2046155 Anglická konverzace - rodilý mluvčí , 0P+2C
2046156 Anglická konverzace - rodilý mluvčí II , 0P+2C
E046117 Czech - Advanced , 0+2
E045025 Czech - Lower Intermediate , 0P+2C
E045026 Czech - Lower Intermediate , 0P+2C
E046125 Czech - Lower Intermediate , 0+2
E046128 Czech - Upper Intermediate , 0+2
E046118 Czech Advanced , 0+2
E045020 Czech for Beginners II , 0P+2C
E046120 Czech for Beginners II. , 0+2
E045019 Czech Language for Beginners I , 0P+2C
E046119 Czech Language for Beginners I. , 0+2
E046126 Czech Lower Intermediate , 0+2
E046127 Czech Upper Intermediate , 0+2
E046078 German - Lower Intermediate , 0+2
E046079 German Lower Intermediate , 0+2
E046080 German Upper Intermediate , 0+2
E046081 German Upper Intermediate , 0+2
E046083 Němčina pokročilí , 0+2
E046082 Němčina pokročilí , 0+2
E046077 Němčina začátečníci , 0+2
E046076 Němčina začátečníci , 0+2
12105 >
E313992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E312121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E112121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E112122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E312122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E111083 Continuum Mechanics , 3P+0C
E111069 Design Against Fatigue , 1P+1C
E113000 Diploma Thesis , 0P+10C
E313998 Diploma Thesis , 0P+10C
E111052 Experimental Methods and Certification Engines , 3P+4L
E111057 Finite Element Method I. , 3P+1C
E313040 Introduction into Applied Mechanics and Mechatronics , 0+2
E311101 Mechanics I. , 2P+2C
E311102 Mechanics II. , 2P+2C
E311103 Mechanics III. , 2P+2C+1L
E311107 Mechanics III. , 2P+3C
E311108 Mechanics III. , 2P+2C
E111706 Mechanics of Composite Materials , 3P+1C
E311066 Multibody Modelling for Vehicle Systems , 3P+1C
E113020 Presentation Skills , 1P+1C+0L
E111506 Selected Items of Strenght of Materials , 2P+2C+0L
E311083 Selected Topics of Mechanics and Mechatronics , 2P+2C+0L
E111101 Strength of Materials I. , 3P+2C+1L
E111051 Strength of Materials I. , 3P+3C
E111103 Strength of Materials II , 3P+3C
E113991 Thesis , 0P+0C
E311085 Vehicle Dynamics I. , 2P+1C
E311068 Vibration of Vehicles , 3P+1C
12110 >
E375008 Advanced Automatic Control , 1P+1C
E371014 Algorithms for Engineering Informatics , 2P+2C
E361098 Applied Optics , 3P+0C+1L
E362503 Applied Optics , 2P+1.5C+0.5L
E371103 Artificial Intelligence , 2P+2C+0L
E371076 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks in Applications , 2P+2C
E371047 Automatic Control , 3P+1.5C+0.5L
E371099 Automatic Control Theory , 2P+2C
E373025 Autonomous Robot Control , 0P+2C+0L
E373997 Bachelor Diploma Work - ISP , 0P+6C
E373994 Bachelor Project , 0P+6C
E373991 Bachelor Thesis , 0P+0C
E373985 Bachelor Work , 0P+6C
E373992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E372121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E372122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
2374008 Computer Aided Automatic Control Theory , 2+2
E374008 Computer Aided Automatic Control Theory , 2P+2C
2374007 Computer Aided Process Control Design , 2+2
E374007 Computer Aided Process Control Design , 2P+2C
E371709 Computer Simulation Models , 2P+2C
E372041 Computer Support for Study , 1P+1C
E371705 Control Systems , 2P+2C
E141055 Controlled Electrical Drives , 2P+0C+2L
E371090 Database and Knowledge Systems , 2P+2C
E371079 Database and Knowledge-based Systems , 3P+1C
E371091 Database and Knowledge-based Systems , 2P+2C
E375005 Databases, SQL and MS Access , 2P+1C
E375010 Dependability of the Technical Equipment , 3P+1C
E371137 Design of Information Systems , 1P+0C+2L
E371074 Design of Information Systems , 2P+2C
E361006 Design of optomechanical instruments , 2P+1C
E373990 Diploma thesis , 0P+10C
E373996 Diploma Thesis , 0P+0C
E363996 Diploma Thesis , 0P+0C
E373998 Diploma Thesis , 0P+10C
E363998 Diploma Thesis , 0P+10C
E141120 Electric Accessories of ICE , 2P+0C+1L
E141504 Electrical Circuits and Electronics , 2P+0C+2L
E141505 Electrical Machines and Drives , 2P+0C+2L
E141503 Electrical Machines and Drives , 2P+0C+2L
E141119 Electrical Measurement and Diagnostics , 2P+0C+1L
E141519 Electrical Measurement and Diagnostics , 2P+0C+1L
E141506 Electrical Transfer of Signals , 2P+0C+1L
E141019 Electromechanical Systems in Transport and Mechanical Engineering , 2P+0C+1L
E141073 Embedded Systems , 2P+0C+1L
E371093 Embedded Systems , 2P+0C+1L
E141005 Embedded Systems , 2P+0C+2L
E141075 Embedded Systems , 2P+0C+2L
E141006 Embedded Systems , 2P+0C+2L
E375009 Engineering Psychology , 1P+0C+1L
E372050 Engineering Psychology , 1P+0C+1L
E376009 Engineering Psychology , 0P+0C+2L
E371085 Engineering Simulation of Controlled Processes , 2P+1C
E362701 Experiments in Engineering , 1P+0C+2L
E363022 History of Discovery of the Universe , 1P+1C
E361079 Holography , 2P+0C+1L
E371110 Industrial Automation , 2P+2C+0L
E142012 Industrial Communication Systems , 2P+0C+1L
E372507 Informatic Systems , 2P+2C
E371130 Informatics for Engineers , 3P+1C
E373504 Information Systems , 2P+1C
E371102 Information technology , 2P+2C+0L
E361097 Instrument Design , 3P+1C
E361103 Instrument Design I , 3P+1C
E361102 Instrument Design II , 2P+1C
E361064 Instrumental Technology , 2P+0C+2L
E361005 Instrumental Technology , 2P+0C+2L
E361105 Instrumental Technology , 2P+0C+2L
E371524 Instrumentation for Automatic Control , 3P+0C+2L
E371509 Instrumentation for Automatic Control II. , 2P+0C+1L
E371530 Java Programming , 3P+2C
E371532 Java Programming , 2P+2C
E371100 Machine perception and image analysis , 2P+2C
E373995 Master Project
E371081 Mathematical and Simulation Modelling II. , 2P+2C
E371097 Mathematical Simulation Models , 3P+2C
E376023 Matlab for Simulations , 1P+2C
E375013 Matlab for Simulations , 1P+2C
E371519 Means of Automatic Control I. , 3P+0C+2L
E371520 Means of Automatic Control M , 4P+0C+3L
E362700 Measurement and Experiment , 0P+0C+4L
E372083 Measurement in Engineering , 1P+0C+2L
E372080 Measurement in Engineering , 2P+0C+2L
E141092 Microelectronics , 2P+0C+1L
E141091 Microelectronics , 2P+0C+1L
E361038 Nanotechnology , 2P+0C+1L
E362006 Nanotechnology , 2P+0C+1L
E375006 Network Server Administration , 2P+0C+1L
E371042 Object Oriented Programming , 2P+2C
E371129 Object Oriented Programming , 2P+1C
E361106 Optical design , 2P+2C+0L
E361030 Optics , 3P+0C+1L
E361701 Optics Fundamentals , 3P+1L
E371101 Optimal and predictive control systems , 2P+1.8C+0.2L
E362027 Optoelectronics , 2P+0C+1L
E371531 Pascal Programming (Delphi) , 3P+2C
E372027 Pneumatic and Hydraulic Drive Systems , 1P+0C+2L
E372042 Practical Software Tools , 1P+1C+0L
E376021 Practicum in Automatic Control , 0P+0C+2L
E371147 Process Control , 3P+1.5C+0.5L
E371527 Programmable Controller Application , 2P+0C+2L
E371126 Programmable Controller Applications , 2P+0C+2L
E371060 Programmable Controller Applications , 2P+0C+2L
E371135 Programmable Logic Controllers and Visualisation , 2P+0C+1L
E371087 Programming for Web , 2P+2C
E375002 Programming for Web , 2P+2C
E373712 Project , 0P+2C
E372091 Project , 0P+2C
E362091 Project , 0P+2C
E372990 Project - ISP , 0P+6C
E373111 Project I , 0P+5C
E373131 Project I , 0P+6C+0L
E373132 Project II , 0P+6C
E363112 Project II. , 0P+5C
E372992 Project II. , 0P+5C
E373112 Project II. , 0P+6C+0L
E373113 Project III , 0P+10C
E373133 Project III , 0P+5C
E363113 Project III. , 0P+10C
E363091 Project Presentation , 4B
E373091 Project Presentation , 4B
E375004 Python for Scientific Computations and Control , 2P+2C
E142018 Rapid HW/SW prototyping , 1P+0C+3L
E143032 Rapid HW/SW prototyping , 0P+0C+3L
E141069 Regulated electrical drive , 2P+0C+2L
E373040 Robot Control Introduction , 0P+0C+2L
E376016 Robot Control Introduction , 1P+0C+1L
E143006 Safety Operation with Electronic Devices , 0P+0C+0L
E372035 SCADA systems , 1P+0C+2L
E141030 Sensor Systems , 2P+0C+1L
E371096 Signal processing and system identification , 2P+2C
E374014 Signals and Systems , 2P+2C
E376012 Simulation of Biological Systems , 2P+2C
E374013 Simulation of Biological Systems , 2P+2C
E146003 Small robot design , 0P+0C+2L
E145003 Small Robot Design , 0P+0C+2L
E371002 System and Process Control , 3P+1.4C+0.6L
E371075 System Identification , 2P+2C
E362504 Technical optics , 2P+1.5C+0.5L
E362502 Technical Optics , 2P+1.5C+0.5L
E373981 Thesis , 0P+6C
E363991 Thesis , 0P+0C
E141125 Vehicle and Engine Electrical Equipment , 2P+0C+1L
E361021 Wave Optics , 2P+0.7C+0.3L
12112 >
E123992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E122121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E122122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E121502 Fluid Dynamics , 3P+2C
E121047 Hydro and Thermodynamics , 2P+2C+0L
E121046 Thermomechanics , 3P+2C
E121051 UMPS in Pipe-Machine Systems , 2P+2C+0L
12113 >
E133992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E132121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E132122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E136031 CAD 1 , 0P+2C
E136032 CAD 2 , 0P+2C
E136033 CAD 3 , 0P+2C
E133025 Design , 0P+4C
E132031 Engineering Design I. , 1P+2C
E131023 Engineering Design II. , 2P+3C
E131002 Engineering Design II. , 2P+3C
E133013 Engineering Design III. , 0P+2C
E133014 Engineering Design IV. , 0P+2C+0L
E132030 History of Technology , 1P+2C
E131061 Introduction to Transport Technology , 2P+2C+0L
E131042 Machine Elements and Mechanisms I. , 3P+2C+0L
E131512 Machine Elements and Mechanisms I. , 3P+2C
E131026 Machine Elements and Mechanisms II. , 3P+0C+0L
E131060 Transport Technology , 2P+2C+0L
12115 >
E153985 Bachelor Thesis , 0P+6C
E153992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E151094 Biomass and Renewable Energy , 2P+2C
E151084 Boiler Design , 3P+1C
E152121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E152122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E151115 Design and Economics of Power Facilities , 3P+1C
E153998 Diploma Thesis , 0P+10C
E152028 Energy Audit and Legislation , 2P+2C
E151026 Energy sources and conversions , 3P+2C
E151129 Energy Sources and Conversions , 3P+2C
E153005 Fundamentals of Energy Conversions , 1P+1C
E153054 Fundamentals of Energy Conversions , 1P+1C
E151559 Heat Exchangers and Boilers , 2P+2C
E151090 Industry Power and Heating Plant , 2P+2C
E151002 Nuclear Power Principles , 2P+2C
E152091 Project , 0P+2C
E153051 Project I. , 0P+5C
E153707 Project I. , 0P+7C
E151717 Project II. , 0P+6C
E153053 Project III. , 0P+10C
E153091 Project Presentation , 4B
2151081 Projektování a ekonomika energetických zařízení , 3P+1C+0L
E151702 Renewable Energy Sources , 2P+2C
E151145 Renewable Energy Sources , 2P+2C+0L
E151033 Steam and Gas Turbine , 3P+1C
E153006 Technology of Air Protection , 0P+2C
E151079 Thermal Power Cycles , 3P+1C
E153991 Thesis , 0P+0C
12116 >
E161083 Aerodynamics of Ventilation , 2P+1C
E161112 Air Pollution Control , 2P+1C
E161079 Air-Conditioning , 2P+1C
E161006 Alternative Energy Sources , 2P+1C
E161087 Automatic Control in Environmental Engineering , 2P+1C
E163992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E162121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E162122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E162045 Building and HVAC Systems Simulation , 1P+2C+0L
E163045 Building and HVAC Systems Simulation , 1P+2C
E161024 Cooling in Environmental Engineering , 3P+1C
E163000 Diploma Project , 0P+10C
E161022 Environmental Engineering , 2P+2C+0L
E162569 Experimental Methods I. , 1P+3L
E162702 Experimental Methods II. , 1P+4L
E162025 Fundamentals of Air Conditioning , 2P+1C
E162023 Fundamentals of Alternative Energy Sources , 2P+1C
E161597 Fundamentals of Heating , 2P+2C
E161051 Heat and Moisture Transfer in Environmental Engineering , 2P+1C
E162066 Heat Supply , 2P+1C
E161566 Heating , 2P+2C
E163046 Heating Appliances , 1P+1C
E163047 Industrial Ventilation , 1P+1C
E162005 Introduction to Building Performance Simulation , 1P+2C
E163048 Low-Energy Cooling of Buildings , 1P+1C
E161105 Noise and Vibration Control , 3P+2C
E161005 Particle Separation and Filtration , 3P+1C
E163014 Project I. , 0P+5C
E163015 Project II. , 0P+5C
E163013 Project III. , 0P+5C
E161102 Radiant and Industrial Heating , 2P+1C
E162056 Sanitary Installations , 2P+1C
E161065 Ventilation , 2P+2C
12118 >
E183985 Bachelor Thesis , 0P+6C
E183992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E181135 Basic Equipment Design , 2P+2C
E186013 Biofuels and Bioproducts from Wastes , 1P+1C
E183009 Biofuels and Bioproducts from Wastes , 0P+2C
E182121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E182122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E186030 CFD Application in Process Engineering , 0P+2C
E181107 Computational Fluid Dynamics , 2P+2C
E181012 Computer Aided Design , 2P+2C
E181071 Computer Aided Design , 2P+1C
E181110 Design and Operation of Production Lines , 3P+1C
E181507 Diffusion Separation Equipment , 2P+2C
E181127 Diffusion Separation Processes , 3P+1C
E181131 Difussion Separation Processes , 4P+2C
E181701 Difussion Separation Processes , 3P+1.7C+0.3L
E183998 Diploma Thesis , 0P+10C
E183996 Diploma Thesis , 0P+0C
E181122 Equipment and Technologies for Waste Treatment , 3P+1C
E181706 Equipment and Technologies of Plastics and Silicates Processing , 2P+1C
E181101 Experimental Methods , 2P+2C
E183030 Final project , 0P+5C
E181123 Fundamentals of Polymer Processing , 2P+1C
E181128 Heat Processes , 3P+1C
E181074 Heat Processes , 4P+2C
E181117 Heat Processes and Heat Exchangers , 3P+1.7C+0.3L
E181508 Heat Transfer Equipment , 2P+2C
E181501 Hydromechanical Equipment , 2P+1C
E181502 Hydromechanical Equipment , 2P+2C
E181109 Hydromechanical Processes , 3P+1.7C+0.3L
E181129 Hydromechanical Processes , 3P+1C
E181132 Hydromechanical Unit Operations , 3P+1C
E181116 Chemical Production Lines , 3P+1C
E182019 Chemistry , 2P+1C
E181006 Industrial Chemistry , 2P+2C
E181014 Industrial Chemistry , 2P+1C
E181151 Introduction to Cryogenics Engineering , 2P+1C
E183000 Master Thesis Project , 0P+16C
E182063 Measurement in process industry , 1P+0C+2L
E182064 Measurement in Process Industry , 1P+2L
E182702 Measurement on Process Equipment , 0P+3C
E181111 Modeling, Control and Analysis of Processes , 3P+1L
E181096 Modelling and Process Control , 2P+1C
E181026 Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer , 3P+1C
E181075 Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer , 3P+1C
E181118 Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer , 3P+2C+0L
E181141 Numerical Analysis of Processes , 2P+1C
E181030 Physical Chemistry , 3P+1.7C+0.3L
E181076 Proces Control , 2P+2C
E181126 Process Equipment and Production Lines , 2P+2C+0L
E181136 Processing Equipment Design , 3P+2C
E181137 Processing Equipment Design , 3P+2C
E181134 Processing Equipments Design , 3P+1C
E181100 Processing Lines , 3P+2C
E181104 Processing Lines , 3P+2C
E181115 Production Lines of Food Industry , 3P+1C
E183014 Progressive Processes of Energy Utilization , 0P+2C
E182091 Project , 0P+2C
E183011 Project I , 0P+5C
E183707 Project I. , 0P+7C
E183025 Project I. - equipment design , 0P+6C
E183012 Project II. , 0P+5C
E183026 Project II. , 0P+6C
E183013 Project III. , 0P+10C
E180005 Project III. , 0P+10C
E183091 Project Presentation , 0P+4C
E183010 Projekt III. , 0P+20C
E181112 Reactor and Bioreactor Design , 2P+2C
E181113 Reactor and Bioreactor Design , 2P+0.85C+0.15L
E183991 Thesis , 0P+0C
E181002 Transport Phenomena , 3P+2C
E181703 Waste Water Treatment and Gas Purification , 2P+0.85C+0.15L
E181105 Waste Water Treatment and Gaseous Emission Reduction , 2P+1C
E181089 Waste Water Treatment and Gaseous Emission Reduction , 3P+1C
12120 >
E213992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E212122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E211106 Design of Tools and Plastic Parts , 2P+1C
E213996 Diploma Work , 0P+20C
E211137 Experimental Methods and Measurements , 2P+0C+3L
E213016 Five Month Internship , 0P+10C
E213022 Foreign Language I. , 0P+4C
E212022 Foreign Language II. , 0P+4C
E211153 Hybrid Powertrains , 3P+2C
E211151 Hybrid Powertrains , 2P+1C
E211126 Internal Combustion Engines , 4P+3C
E211152 Laboratory for Hybrid Powertrains , 2P+0C+3L
E211124 Mechanical and Hydraulical Transmissions , 3P+3C
E211105 Microelectronics in Vehicles , 1P+1C
E212023 Project and 3D CAD , 0P+3C
E213202 Study at ENSTA - summer semester , 0P+0C
E213201 Study at ENSTA - winter semester , 0P+0C
E213102 Study at HAN - summer semester , 0P+0C
E213101 Study at HAN - winter semester , 0P+0C
E213302 Study at ITB - summer semester , 0P+0C
E213301 Study at ITB - winter semester , 0P+0C
E213402 Study at TUCH - summer semester , 0P+0C
E213401 Study at TUCH - winter semester , 0P+0C
E211159 Sustainable mobility , 3P+2C
E211172 Theory of ICE , 4P+1C+0L
E211173 Theory of ICE and Simulation , 4P+1C
E211700 Transmissions , 2P+2C+0L
E211130 Transport Engineering , 2P+2C+0L
E211112 Vehicle Concept, Structure, Aggregates and Safety , 2P+1C
E211113 Vehicle Dynamics II. , 2P+1C
2216031 Základy modelování v prostředí GT-SUITE , 0P+2C
12122 >
E221221 Aeronautics and Astronautics , 2P+2C+0L
E223992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E222122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
12124 >
E243992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E244001 Biomechanics and Mechanobiology , 2P+1C+0L
E241050 Biomechanics for Bachelors , 2P+2C+0L
E241718 Biomechanics I. , 2P+0C
E241719 Biomechanics II , 2P+1C
E241723 Biomechanics III , 2P+0C
E241728 Nanobiomechanics , 2P+0C
E243113 Project III , 0P+10C
12132 >
E322045 Advanced Materials , 2P+1C+0L
E321085 Aerospace materials , 2P+2C
E323992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E322121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E322122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E322056 Corrosion - and creep-resistant materials , 2P+1C+0L
E321088 Heat treatment , 2P+2C+0L
E321080 Material Engineering , 2P+2C
E321084 Material Engineering , 2P+2C
E322029 Materials Science I. , 2P+0C+1L
E321039 Materials Science II. , 2P+2L
E321072 Metallic Materials , 2P+2C
E321083 Nano and Biomaterials , 2P+2C
E321073 Non-metallic Materials , 2P+2C
E321071 Physical Metallurgy , 3P+1C
E321077 Surfaces and Interfaces , 2P+2C
E321086 Technical Application of Materials , 2P+1C+0L
E321500 Technical Materials I , 2P+2C+0L
E321060 Technical Materials I. , 2P+2C
12133 >
E331512 Automation of Production Processes , 3P+2C+0L
E333992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E332121 Branch project I. , 0P+2C
E332122 Branch project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E332051 Computer Aided Manufacturing Processes , 0P+3C
E331075 Design Consideration , 2P+2C+0L
E331076 Design of Surface Treatment , 2P+2C
E333008 Fundamental of Technology I. , 1P+1L
E333041 Fundamentals of Casting, Forming and Welding , 2P+0.5C+0.5L
E333018 Fundamentals of Technology I. , 1P+1C
E333038 Fundamentals of Technology I. , 1P+1C
E333023 Metoda přesného lití , 1P+2C
E333040 Perspectice Production in Engineering , 0P+2C
E332091 Project , 0P+2C
E332114 Project II. , 0P+5C
E332057 Surface Coating Technology , 1P+2C+0L
E331068 Technology I. , 2P+2C
E331067 Technology I. , 3P+2C
E331093 Technology of Casting, Forming and Welding , 3P+1C+1L
E332052 Technology of Production of ICE , 1P+1C
E331053 Theory and Practise of Casting , 2P+2C
E331012 Theory and Practise of Metal Forming , 3P+2C
E331090 Theory of Casting , 3P+1C
E331097 Theory of Joining and Cutting , 2P+2C
E333991 Thesis , 0P+0C
E331504 Welding Technology , 2P+2C+0L
12134 >
E342034 Automation of machine tool programming , 1P+2C+0L
E343992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E342121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E342122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E341086 Cutting Tools , 2P+1C+0L
E343000 Diploma Project , 0P+10C
E343041 Fundamentals of Machining, Metrology and Product Design , 2P+0.5C+0.5L
E343010 Fundamentals of Technology II. , 1P+0C+1L
E341702 Industrial Metrology , 2P+2C
E341004 Manufacturing Systems Design , 2P+2C
E341046 Metrology , 2P+2C+0L
E341090 Metrology and Process Planning , 2P+2C
E341109 Metrology and Process Technology , 2P+2C+0L
E341066 Programming of Metal Cutting on CNC Machines , 2P+3C
E342115 Project III. , 0P+5C
E341080 Quality , 2P+0C+1L
E341014 Technology II. , 2P+2L
E346007 Technology II. Seminary , 2S
E341076 Technology of Automotive Production , 3P+2C
E341093 Technology of Machining, Metrology and Product Design , 3P+1C+1L
12135 >
E352121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E352122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E353040 Manufacturing and CNC Technology , 2L
E351712 Modelling and Simulation II. , 2P+2L
E351084 Numerical Control of Production Machines and Equipment Control , 2P+2L
12138 >
E383992 Bachelor´s Thesis , 0P+8C
E382121 Branch Project I. , 0P+2C
E382122 Branch Project II. , 0P+4C+0L
E383009 Communication and Dealing with People , 1P+1C
E383002 Fundamentals of Law , 1P+1C+0L
E381117 Industrial Business Intelligence , 2P+2C
E381054 Management and Economics of the Enterprise , 2P+2C
E381109 Management, Economics and Finance , 2P+1C
E381712 Managerial and Economic Calculation , 2P+2C
E381005 Methods and Tools for Managerial Decisionmaking , 2P+2C+0L
E382093 Project Management and Marketing , 2P+2C
12203 >
E301107 Computational Fluid Dynamics , 2P+2C+0L
12922 >
2007389 Aero Design I.
2007373 Aerodynamics
2007565 Business Planning
2007591 Ceramics the Modern World
2007372 Compressible Flow
2007339 Corporate Entrepreneurship
2007331 Čínština - mandarin
E003996 Diploma Thesis
2007371 Dynamics of Systems
2007542 Dynamics 3
2007330 Elements of Music Theory
2007594 Energy Materials
2007370 Engineering Dynamics
2007363 Engineering Statistics
2007601 Fundamentals of Fluid Power Drive and Control
2007600 Industrial Facilities
2007366 Intro to Engineering Design
2007602 Introduction of the Language of Profession
2007382 Korean Language
2007599 Management of Technological Innovation and Development Business
2007597 Manufactoring Technology
2007367 Materials Selection
2007388 Methodology of Experimentak Design
2007566 Micro Flow Chemistry and Process Technology
2007386 Networking Fundamentals
2007593 Nuclear Power Plant Risk Assesment
2007595 Observational Astronomy
2007362 Parallel Computation Principles and Applications
2007626 Platform Economy
2007592 Probability and Statistics
2007338 Risk Management
2007387 Routing Protocols and Concepts
2007365 Survival Finnish Course
2007596 TC Process Engineering and Thermal Engineering
2007329 Ventilation and Climatic Systems
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