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District Heating (E162067)
Departments:ústav techniky prostředí (12116)
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District heating with heat generators in heat-only and combined heat&power mode. Heat generators. Heating nets. Delivery stations.
Climate data. Design of heat power for space heating and hot water. Types of heating nets. Determination of flowrates and pipe dimension. Hydraulic calculation of heating net. Heat losses of distribution. Economically optimal insulation thickness. Stress loads. Compensation of thermal dillatations. Delivery stations and components. Heat cycles (Carnot, Rankin-Clausius). Heat generators for heating plants and heat&power plants.
Structure of tutorial
Design of heat power for space heating and hot water. Heat demand. Hydraulic calculations. Heat losses. Economically optimal insulation thickness. Stress loads and dillatations. Heat cycles. Delivery stations.
Brož, K. Zásobování teplem, ČVUT 2001.
Cikhart, J. a kol.: Soustavy CZT. SNTL Praha, 1989.
Vlach, J. a kol.: Teplárenství a tepelné sítě, SNTL Praha 1987.
subjects Environmental Engineering
district heating, combined heat and power, heating nets, heat generators
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