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Noise and Vibration Control (E161039)
Katedra:ústav techniky prostředí (12116)
Platí do: ??Rozsah:2P+1C
Zakončení:Z,ZKJazyk výuky:EN
Student will be informed about the basic methods of noise control and acoustic dimensions, which are important for evaluation of noise.
Transmission of sound in lossless solids, acoustic potential and solution for spherical waves, characteristic wave equation, sound transmission indoors and outdoors. Wave propagation in real liquids and gases, barriers. Wave propagation in real solid media. Noise Sources. Silencer design.Vibration isolation for noise control
Osnova cvičení
Transmission of sound in lossless solids, acoustic potential and solution for spherical waves, characteristic wave equation, sound transmission indoors and outdoors. Wave propagation in real liquids and gases, barriers. Wave propagation in real solid media. Noise Sources. Silencer design.Vibration isolation for noise control
Nový R.: Hluk a chvění, vydavatelství ČVUT Praha, 2000
Student has to know the basic physics and mathematics
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